You may restrict access to sections (folders) and sub-sections to specific groups or individuals.   Permissions may be added to folders to restrict the adding of documents (writing), viewing folders (reading), and managing folders (administration).  Using the folder security option can help to protect policies from unauthorized changes, and can help protect sensitive or highly confidential content before it is approved and made available to its intended audience(s). Follow these steps to assign, edit or delete permissions:


1.From the Content Menu on the Policy Center screen, click Table of Contents. The current Table of Contents screen will be displayed.

2.Select the section title for which you want to add permissions.

3.Click the Options link next to the section title. The Table of Contents options box displays.

4.Select Security to add permissions. The Select Group options box displays:



5.You may select either a group (left radio button) or individuals (right radio button) to provide permissions. Then use the drop-down list to specify a group or individual user name.

6.Select the type(s) of access (permission) you wish to grant the group or individual (write, read, administration).

7.Press Save to save your changes, then Close.