Once you select the application language (English, Spanish, or Portuguese) for your installation of DynamicPolicy™ (see Managing System Preferences), you can easily modify the names of data fields as they appear on the system screens to terminology used in your organization. 


To modify field names, you must edit the appropriate language file.  Language configuration files are located under C:\Zequel\www\config\language.


1.Open and edit the file using your favorite editor (e.g., Notepad, WordPad, etc.).

2.The format of the file is: define("[Name of constant]", "[Text]"). Example: define("MSG_USER_NAME", "User Name");

3.Edit only the [Text] part. Example: define("MSG_USER_NAME", "User ID");


By changing the Text, DynamicPolicy™ will display the phrase User ID instead of User Name on screen wherever this field is used.  You may change any of the field names listed in the language file.